Hickory Hills Landowners, Inc.
P.O. Box 298
Lunenburg, MA 01462
Telephone 978-582-6365

Board decisions are made during regular Board meetings held the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

Form Deadlines: All forms need to be submitted at minimum one week, plus one day, prior to Board of Director meetings

Hickory Hills property owner deed provisions:

#4   "No building, fence, wall, sewage disposal system, outdoor fireplace, or other structure shall be commenced, erected, or maintained on said property ... nor shall any addition, change or alteration therein be made, until plans and specifications, showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, floor plans, location, and grading plan thereof shall have been submitted to and approved by the Hickory Hills Lake Corporation, its successors and assigns ..."

Hickory Hills Landowners, Inc., License provision:

#10.    "No structure of any kind (docks, fences, moorings, etc.) shall be erected, used or maintained on the lake without written approval from the Board of Directors."

  (Please Print)
Lunenburg Address:                                                                                        

**Note: All permits are subject to all Lunenburg town board approvals.**

Please mark placement of dock/raft for inspection by Board members, and attach any diagrams or supporting information, including dimensions and material to be used.

HHLI requires that docks must be within the boundaries of the owners' property, and that the placement of docks/rafts will not interfere with any abutter's ability to use the lake. Docks/rafts must be of a temporary nature, and must be removed from the lake during the winter months. Docks must not extend more than 30 feet into the lake. Rafts must be located within 50' of shore, so that they are not a hazard to boats operating beyond the 150' NO WAKE ZONE.

Do not write below this line. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY.

Dock/raft location inspected by:	Approved	Not Approved

Name: _____________________________	  _____	        _____

Name: _____________________________	  _____	        _____

Reasons:  _______________________________________________________________


Board of Directors vote on request:	Approved	Not Approved

    Date:  _______________________	  _____	        _____

Reply sent to property owner:

    Date:  _______________________

Revised as of 11/14/2002
Copyright (c) 2003 Hickory Hills Landowners, Inc.
All Rights Reserved